Dan Keebler

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I am from a little town in Pennsylvania called Doylestown outside of Philly. I used to cause a lot of excitement with my friends. I moved to Rochester to go to college at RIT and it was an adjustment but I found ways to keep myself entertained. To some I am a renaissance man doing a little bit of everything to others I'm just a scattered mess, but to me I am just trying to hang out and have fun. I am a mechanical engineer working in research and development by day and by night I am a comic book writing, stand up comedy preforming, Rocky Horror Show acting, firework making, Radio host. I got my start on the radio by prank calling Almost Tuesday with my best friend Jake Collins and then they gave us a show. When things like this are so often the norm for your life it starts to feel like a sitcom. Creating content, entertaining people, and telling a story are some of the most fulfilling things I have ever done. It is a great pleasure to create Shananagans on the Air with my best friend for any and all who might listen to it or might stumble across it on a late night drive.

Shows Hosted