ROC Image | WAYO 104.3 FM | Show #056 | 04-02-2019

ROC Image Radio broadcasts live every Tuesday at 12:00 noon. Hosts Kent and Mary Therese Friel, from The Mary Therese Friel, LLC Modeling Agency, interview fascinating and inspirational guests every week!

Henry Metzger, Wayne Smith, Arthur Kuh and Hanspeter Süsstrunk are devoted members of MIT - Men In Transition, a group of retired gentlemen who meet weekly to share their knowledge and experiences among themselves and with others. In this broadcast, hear from these four inspirational gentlemen who are helping others improve their lives. 

ROC Image Radio broadcasts live on Tuesdays at 12:00 noon on WAYO 104.3 FM. Be sure to tune in on the FM dial, or stream the show online at 

#mtfmodels #rocimage #radio #community #rolemodels #roc

Tuesday, April 2, 2019