Poet Brandon Amico comes through to talk about his collection Disappearing Inc.
About Brandon Amico:
Brandon Amico is the author of a collection of poetry, DISAPPEARING, INC. (March 2019, Gold Wake Press), and is a 2019 National Endowment for the Arts Creative Writing Fellow.
He is the recipient of a North Carolina Arts Council Regional Artist Grant and the Hoepfner Literary Award for poetry, awarded by Southern Humanities Review. His poetry can be found in journals including The Awl, The Adroit Journal, Blackbird, Booth, Copper Nickel, The Cincinnati Review, Diode, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Hunger Mountain, Kenyon Review, New Ohio Review, New South, Slice, Waxwing, and Verse Daily, and his reviews have been featured by 32 Poems, AGNI Online, The Los Angeles Review, Mid-American Review, The Rumpus, and Southern Humanities Review.
Brandon is a reader for Orison Books, a 2017 BOAAT Retreat Fellow, and served as the assistant poetry editor for an issue of Tahoma Literary Review.