Syzygys -- Fauna Grotesque {Opening Song}
Owczarek Caiceda Ponsa Trio -- 114
Glenn Branca - Lesson No.1 For Electric Guitar
Max Mathews -- Bicycle Built for Two
Thomas Ankersmit -- Weerzin
Boua Xou Mua -- Qeej Kawm Ntawv - Gaeng School Song
John Wynne -- Anspayaxw (extract)
Claudio Nunez -- Historia
Else Marie Pade & Jacob Kirkegaard -- Cirrostratus
This Heat -- Health & Efficiency
Neptune -- Grey Shallows
The Shadow Ring -- The Riverside
C. Reider & Jeph Jerman -- Pop Variations
Nautical Almanac -- Song
Fluxmonkey -- Untitled
Vasilii Khuurak, Shozhul Salchak, and Polina Ore-ool -- Imitation of the Roe Deer, The Musk Deer, The Reindeer, Owl, Wolf's Howl; Appeal to the Patron of Hunters before the Bear Hunt; Reindeer Herd
Joe Meek & The Blue Men -- Valley of the Sarooes
Chris Corsano -- Why are some cricket coaches better than others?
Califone -- Heron King Blues
Thursday, May 19, 2016