Episode 199: Albatross of Floss

In this exciting 199th installment (ok, we've done a lot more than that but, with our screwy numbering system, it's 199), we're talking flossing follow-up, sex party consent (pro tip: bring a shrimp bouquet as a host gift to your next sex party to start things off on the right foot!), and fooooood. And don't forget: vote The Cocktail Party across the ballot this November!

Hey, if you want to do us a little favor for ep 200, call us up and leave a message on our fancy message line at 585-542-5502 or drop us a line at jimmyspaceboy@gmail.com. You don't even have to say anything nice; just call or write and we'll play or read your message on the air!

Music today from The Mabuses with "In the Long Run." Never thought it could be done, indeed.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016