One thing I've learned about music fans is that they love to talk about the music they love. Introvert Extract gives music fans a platform to pick out a playlist and curate it for the rest of the world. If you would like to be a guest curator, email me at . If there is no guest, I'll play the music that's been moving me at the moment.
- Pharmakon - Self-Regulating System
- Coil - Theme From Hellraiser
- MX-80 - Man On The Move
- E-Sagglia - Glass Wing
- Tim & Brian - Tim From Minneapolis Plays You Can Pick Only One
- Pulp - Dishes
- Amnesia Scanner - AS A.W.O.L.
- Rangers - Bear Creek
- Fire-Toolz - All Deth Is U2
- Mission Of Burma - Fame And Fortune
- Consumer Electronics - Death Of JJ
- Loring & Brian - Loring From Monument, CO Plays You Can Pick Only One
- Holly Herndon - Frontier