WAYO Membership Perks 2023-24


(NEW) 20% off admission at Rochester Pinball Collective (Piano Works Mall, East Rochester).

(NEW) 10% off purchases $30+ at Grass Fed Vegan Butcher (980-982 Monroe Ave).

10% off all purchases at Pizza Wizard (760 S. Clinton Ave, in-person orders only).

10% off all purchases at Carbon Records (online).

10% off all purchases at Bop Shop Records (1460 Monroe Avenue).

10% off all records at Needledrop Records (304 Gregory Street, excluding consignment).

10% off purchases (excl. shipping) at Cat Clay (1115 E. Main St. Suite 242)

Free Stuff

Free bagel w/ cream cheese with purchase of a dozen bagels at Balsam Bagels (288 N. Winton Rd).

Free baklava with $30 purchase at Voula’s Greek Sweets (439 Monroe Ave., limit 1/day).

Free cookie with $20 purchase at Red Fern (283 Oxford St.).

Free 8oz drip coffee with purchase of a retail bag of coffee at Ugly Duck Coffee (89 Charlotte St.).

Free attendance to all WAYO Events!

If you own a business and are interested in becoming part of the WAYO membership program, please email info@wayofm.org for more information!