"Why do you want to buy houses so fast?" - asked Joe and Ray Ray calling the numbers.
Dorian Hall, of PLEX Neighborhood Association, joins to discuss how he wants to buy homes in his long-time neighborhood.
The Vacumm Oil/Exxon Mobil brownfield, University of Rochester's intentions to pave over the waterfront contamination with dorms, DHD Developers, "The Refinery" (Food Link Building) , and development without displacement are explored.
More info on PLEX Neighborhood Association at https://www.pl-ex.org/
Spring 2019 Gentrification Conference info at https://540gentrificationroc.org/
Joe drove the miles while collecting signs to "Up With It", Miles Davis
Part of WAYO FM Rochester, NY. Sundays 10-11am EST monthly or more. Send any drawings, writings or thoughts from listening to wayoplay@wayofm.org