Episode 232: The War on Men

Space Cadets, all the caffeine was entirely intentional on this week's Sound of Tomorrow! Tune in to hear all about Heather's War on Men, Ross's bittersweet tale of a funeral-bound road trip (our deepest condolences go out to Ross, Announcer Mike, and all Mike's loved ones who are missing beloved Sister Carlotta), a few religious observations, and some science news! And that's just part one! After a song from one of the most talented and also sweetest bands in the world (hint--name sounds like "cabooses") we're back with some discussion of why United States Vice President Mike Pence refuses to share dinner with a woman if his mother, sorry--wife--he just *calls* her "Mother" (hurk), isn't present. Is it because he's so very BLEEPable? We doubt it.

Music today from The Mabuses with "Havana." 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017