Space Cadets, all the caffeine was entirely intentional on this week's Sound of Tomorrow! Tune in to hear all about Heather's War on Men, Ross's bittersweet tale of a funeral-bound road trip (our deepest condolences go out to Ross, Announcer Mike, and all Mike's loved ones who are missing beloved Sister Carlotta), a few religious observations, and some science news! And that's just part one! After a song from one of the most talented and also sweetest bands in the world (hint--name sounds like "cabooses") we're back with some discussion of why United States Vice President Mike Pence refuses to share dinner with a woman if his mother, sorry--wife--he just *calls* her "Mother" (hurk), isn't present. Is it because he's so very BLEEPable? We doubt it.
Music today from The Mabuses with "Havana."