Schroedinger's Cat

Wanda Schubmehl, poet and host of the Genesee Reading Series, stops in the studio to talk about her various literary projects, what makes a good reading, reads her poems and more!

About Wanda Schubmehl:

Wanda Schubmehl's first book of poetry was bound in blue construction paper with the title cut out and backed with gold paper. It was put together by her mother, who was her first supporter. Wanda was about 4 years old, and no, she isn't going to read any of that work.

She had bursts of writing in the years afterwards, but only began to write seriously as she approached the age of 40. Her first poetry class was at Writers and Books, with M. J. Iuppa as her teacher. Several other poetry workshops at WAB followed; at one, the students liked each other so much they formed a monthly critique group which continued to meet for a decade.

M. J. Iuppa, at that time curator of the Genesee Reading Series, invited Wanda to read for the Series. Years later, Wanda followed M. J. as curator of the GRS, and had the great pleasure of inviting M.J. as a reader.

Wanda's chapbook, Schroedinger's Cat, was published in 2011 by FootHills Publishing.

Thursday, June 15, 2017