Introvert Extract 8-11-22

  1. Olivia Newton-John & The Tubes - Dancin’
  2. Galaxie 500 - Spook
  3. Kali Malone - Spectacle of Ritual
  4. Minibeast - Id Night
  5. Panabrite - Infinite Passage
  6. VHSDEATH - D.M.T.
  7. Cabaret Voltaire - Exterminating Angel
  8. Bonnie Baxter - Spirit Enema
  9. Big Black - Racer X
  10. Einsturzende Neubauten - Let’s Do It A Dada
  11. MX-80 Sound - Follow That Car
  12. Tuxedomoon - Pinheads On The Move
  13. He Said - Flagwearing
  14. Degradation - Brainworm
  15. Stelzer/Murray - Commit 1
  16. Dead Milkmen - The Blues Song
  17. The Breeders - Spacewoman
  18. Catherine Wheel - Fripp
  19. Lush - Light From A Dead Star
  20. Circuit Des Yeux - Black Fly
  21. Cyclone - Wounded Galaxies Tap At The Window
Sunday, August 21, 2022