The Sound of Silence: Ythm Journal and Editor Sean Pears

Editor of the journal Ythm is in the studio today to talk about his exciting new project. We talk about the origins, formal constraints, and the differences between performance and the page. Sean also shares some of his poetry with us!

Sean Pears is editor of a new sound poetry journal Ythm, a title taken from the preface of Nathaniel Mackey’s Splay Anthem. In addition to being editor of Ythm, Sean Pears is a Ph.D candidate at the University of Buffalo poetics program, his poetry and criticism has appeared in Hour After Happy Hour, Nomans Journal, Phoebe, Jacket and more. He has also collaborated with the artist Marianne Epstein as part of the Call and Response Exhibit at the Fenwick Gallery At George Mason University.

Thursday, August 25, 2016