Numbers - Episode 377 - 2023-11-10

Blues Ambush - JA's Funeral (from s/t LP on Radical Documents)

Les Rallizes Denuds - Field of Artificial Flowers (from Acid Psychedelic King Go To The East LP on LSD)

Sky Furrows - Two Hamlets (from Reflect And Oppose LP on Feeding Tube and Cardinal Fuzz)

Livskraft - 2 (from s/t LP on Forlag For Fri Musik)

Alan Courtis and David Grubbs - Airborne Particles of the California Central Valley (from Braintrust of Fiends and Werewolves LP on Husky Pants)

Tashi Dorji - II (from Guitar Improvisations LP on Drag City)

Nape Neck - The Gate (from s/t cassette, self-released)

Toad - La Marchinne (from s/t LP on La Novia)

Dick Slessig Combo - Rock Your Baby (from Rock Your Baby LP on 75 Records)

Spiral Joy Band - cell life -> cell dream (from split LP with Jacob Sunderlin on Flat Plastic)

Don Cherry - Water Boy... (from Live in Ankara LP on Trading Places)

Enhet För Fri Musik – Vi Tänker På Dig (from Bränn Ner Hela Skiten comp LP on Forlag For Fri Musik)

Friday, November 10, 2023