WAYO's Up Close and Cultural host Rachel DeGuzman had a conversation with the show's technical assistant Jackie Moe about the value of art and a couple of disconnects that she experienced recently.
This conversation was the third of a summer triptych that explored the value of Art in America, how it is funded, who gets funded and why it is important to have this conversation in 2016.
-Episode 1 featured Janice Gouldthorpe, Doug Rice, Margot Muto and Thomas Warfield -https://www.mixcloud.com/UpCloseandCultural/a-conversation-about-the-val...
-Episode 2 featured Mark Allan Davis, Annette Ramos and Nandita Shenoy -https://www.mixcloud.com/UpCloseandCultural/how-we-value-art-what-we-fun...
This episode was originally broadcast on July 5, 2016 from the WAYO 104.3 FM studio in Rochester, New York.
The photo in this post is of the African American Soldier Civil War Memorial in Washington, DC.