In memory of Gretchen "G" Arnold, who passed away Spring 2024. Note: WAYO is working to restore the archives of "The ClipBoard" so that G's friends may listen back and remember their voice, laughter, and energy.
Your fave oh rite mixtape.
In memory of Gretchen "G" Arnold, who passed away Spring 2024. Note: WAYO is working to restore the archives of "The ClipBoard" so that G's friends may listen back and remember their voice, laughter, and energy.
Your fave oh rite mixtape.
Move. Something.
Insert fun here.
Studio Katt
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Homo of the doctor Laura soundbyte, cut and mixed by the one and only Studio Katt.
Thanks for listening!
27% less party fouls.
Everything is Fine.
Beyond Description.
Please don't call me.