Theme-based radio show featuring music from various genres: 80s, goth, new wave, punk, classic country, Americana, experimental, oddities, etc . . .
Theme-based radio show featuring music from various genres: 80s, goth, new wave, punk, classic country, Americana, experimental, oddities, etc . . .
Power, Corruption, and Lies are nothing new, but right now they are reaching record levels in the United States.
Image: Tissue stereoview frame (untitled), mid to late 1800s
A playlist celebrating Candy Darling (November 24, 1944 - March 21, 1974) and other trans and queer people.
Photo: Candy Darling on Her Deathbed by Peter Hujar, 1974 featured on the cover for ANOHNI / Antony & the Johnsons' album I Am a Bird Now (2005)
Magpie playlist. And goodbye, Gene Hackman.
Postcard: Third vision, the "cosmic egg" from Hildegard von Bingen's Scivias, c. 1151
Special Guest DJ Lydia Boettrich brought sunshine to WAYO on a rainy day! And a great international playlist! You'll learn about Japanese vending machines, the merits of picking albums by their covers, and more fun facts about music and Lydia.
Special Guest DJ Violet brings a great set of tunes to WAYO on a cold, cold day in February. Thanks to Violet and Carlie for brightening my morning with music and conversation (and playing with masks)!
Sarah Long joins me is the studio as we play songs that quicken the heart and read lists of things that quicken the heart.
Episode inspired by Michael Neault (1000 Things That Quicken the Heart) who was inspired by Chris Marker (Sans Soleil) who was inspired by Sei Shonagon (Pillow Talk).
Happy Birthday George Romero. Goodby Marianne Faithfull and Irma Vep. And some angry songs in the middle.
Postcard: Jean Perrier, Dr. Miracle in The Tales of Hoffman, 1911 by Paul Nadar
Trying to square the circle through the radio waves.
Mr. Mysterioso turned out to be Nick Gurewitch! You might remember him from The Perry Bible Fellowship, Trails of Tarnation, and Notes on a Case of Melancholia, or: A Little Death. Have a listen to the beautiful songs he chose, along with his insights and stories. Also, check out his website: pbfcomics.com
Kicking off the new year with special guest DJ Ryan Yarmel! It's a hot playlist on a cold day. Have a listen!