One thing I've learned about music fans is that they love to talk about the music they love. Introvert Extract gives music fans a platform to pick out a playlist and curate it for the rest of the world. If you would like to be a guest curator, email me at . If there is no guest, I'll play the music that's been moving me at the moment.
1. Arushi Jain - You Are Irresistible
2. Loula Yorke - an example of periodic time
3. Mothearth - Terraphoria
4. Mzylkypop - Doomerati
5. WILLOW - b i g f e e l i n g s
6. Gazelle Twin - Unstoppable Force
7. Severed Heads - Somewhere Over The Gigapus
8. The Tear Garden - You And Me And Rainbows
9. Rrose - Joy Of The Worm
10. Ada Rook - Dream Of Mostly Blood
11. Wire - 99.9
12. Pink Floyd - Several Species Of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together In A Cave And Grooving With A Pict
13. Kee Avil - And I