mixing various genres of music with spoken word fragments to create a multi-dimensional alternative to traditional narrative.
Spoken word mixed with multi-genre music creating an off-kilter alternate narrative form
mixing various genres of music with spoken word fragments to create a multi-dimensional alternative to traditional narrative.
Spoken word mixed with multi-genre music creating an off-kilter alternate narrative form
spoken word poetry mixed with audio collage to create an off-kilter alternate narrative form
Music and spoken word mixed into an ongoing off kilter narrative form. With special guests Ray Ray Mitrano and Robert Gross, expanding on Ray Ray's improvised music/writing framework!
Spoken word poetry mixed with music to create an ongoing off-kilter sonic narrative
spoken word mixed with multi-genre music creating an off-kilter ongoing alternate form of narrative
experimental mix of music created live in the studio by Mike Rae and Ted Boburka mixed with spoken word poetry written by Mike Rae, delivering our ever zany ongoing sonic tapestry of sound and words.
Spoken word poetry mixed with multi-genre music to create an off-kilter sonic collage
Special guest-host, Robert Gross, reading from his own works as well as those of Franz Kafka, Walt Whitman, and Robert Frost. With adventurouse music collaged throughout.
Spoken Word Poetry mixed with multi-genre musical collage, with this episode being guest-hosted by Robert Gross who reads from his own unique works as well as those of Franz Kafka, Walt Whitman, and Robert Frost.
Spoken word and multi-genre music mixed together to create an off-kilter sonic tapestry