Kryptic Pop Thrills

Spanning time throughout the 1980s.  Dipping tentatively backwards into the 1970s on occasion.  Tipping a hat forward into the 1990s even less frequently.

Past Episodes

  • Sultan Swing, Bohemain Ballet Aired: Friday, October 28, 2016

    The avatar performed the chant of the paladin in order to celebrate the bullet within the house of fun. He was really into the twist and crawl, but people kept saying, "Get a job; you're selling out your future!" Warrior Sounds from 10/28/16.

  • Firetrap, Drive Blind Aired: Friday, October 28, 2016

    First, the Song of Solomon played, and then the Lion's Space Song, at the zombie zoo, where all the animals were arranged for viewing with their eyes wide open: Lipstick Cop Swills from 10/28/16.

  • Scarecrow and Devil Song Aired: Friday, October 28, 2016

    We live life without reason in a red barn in this ghost town, feeling the opposite of inspiration any second now. Inside your haunted head, it feels like you're winning, beneath the blade; just, if nothing else, please see that my grave is kept clean: Kryptic Pop Thrills from 10/28/16.

  • Killer Wolf, Haunted Heroes Aired: Friday, October 21, 2016

    The martian monsters started flying north, heating uptown in their UFO, to room 101, after dancing on your grave. According to the ghost story, their pistol was a piece of junk; nonetheless, they easily were the dominators: Kryptic Pop Thrills from 10/21/16.

  • Backwater Cascade Aired: Friday, October 14, 2016

    Some people took you as the passenger in my '49 Plymouth on Halloween night. They drove you to the haunted house on higher ground. Once you realized there was no escape, your train of thought concluded, "So what." Kryptic Pop Thrills from 10/14/16.

  • Shining Road, Another Engine Aired: Friday, September 30, 2016

    When the winds blow, I'm dancing with tears in my eyes because even though this is love's great adventure, Lucinda is softly saying goodbye: Kryptic Pop Thrills from 9/30/16.

  • Imagination Breakdown Aired: Friday, September 23, 2016

    You had a crush on the stranger in our town, but he was on drugs, and too fast for you, walkin' the beat: Kryptic Pop Thrills from 9/23/16.

  • Slow Motion Freeze Up Aired: Friday, September 16, 2016

    The very day the world turned day-glo, other worlds were in collision with a frogman, on a hyper-gamma-spaces level. My friends walked through nightmares to get home again, hoping that time heals this messthetics: Kryptic Pop Thrills from 9/16/16

  • Return the Gift, Total Trash Aired: Friday, September 9, 2016

    The ghost in you has green eyes and chatter shapes; although you're oblivious to it, this incubus is better than them: Kryptic Pop Thrills from 9/9/16.

  • Kryptic Pop Thrills - August 26, 2016 (Guest host Chris Young) Aired: Friday, August 26, 2016
