Kryptic Pop Thrills

Spanning time throughout the 1980s.  Dipping tentatively backwards into the 1970s on occasion.  Tipping a hat forward into the 1990s even less frequently.

Past Episodes

  • Vibrations All Over the World Aired: Friday, April 14, 2017

    The lion's space song is even better than song for junior and dance song '97 combined. Why? Because love spreads, and when we unite, I let love in: Kryptic Pop Thrills from 4/14/17 - bonus Nineties edition.

  • Shining Road, Spellbound Aired: Friday, April 7, 2017

    During the walk, we saw several girls galore, got lost in the supermarket, saw a reptile, and realized that home is where the heart is. So we put hand in glove and grabbed a kissed out red floatboat to take us back: Kryptic Pop Thrills from 4/7/17.

  • Death Party Under the Gun Aired: Friday, March 31, 2017

    The watermelon man was preaching the blues while he was hanging on the telephone. Simultaneously, the voodoo idol said that there's too many creeps, heebie jeebie style, within the blue spark of bad America: Kryptic Pop Thrills from 3/31/17 - Jeffrey Lee Pierce Tribute Show.

  • The Hum, It's All Around Aired: Friday, March 24, 2017

    We were running with the boss sound from Hammersmith to Tokyo and back, but were particul'y int'rested in Lindy's party the whole time. You don't believe in headclouds, but we all know they are the great leveller: Kryptic Pop Thrills from 3/24/17.

  • Ultraviolence Running Thin Aired: Friday, March 3, 2017

    When my blue eyes see red skies, one thing leads to another and I start collecting future ghosts to send the magick down; really, I just want to have something to do: Kryptic Pop Thrills from 3/3/17.

  • Black-Blue-White-Red Barn Aired: Friday, February 17, 2017

    Dr. Mabuse prescribed, "Just give 'em whiskey, and then they'll work for love." I tend to agree: even though you hurt me, I still want you to follow me to every big city, because I wanna be adored; especially after the whiskey, that's when it's worth it: Kryptic Pop Thrills from 2/17/17.

  • Magic Man Hypno Tease Aired: Friday, February 10, 2017

    On this sunny day, I had all kinds of crazy dreams and high ideas - boy, boy, boy, it was my time! But, unfortunately, the tales from the riverbank kept saying that this is bad America with its colluding oligarchs, and sure enough, suddenly my city was gone: Kryptic Pop Thrills from 2/10/17.

  • This Is the Day to Change Aired: Friday, February 3, 2017

    I was desperate, but not serious, when I realized accidents never happen - it's all nostalgia playing off of starting something I couldn't finish, blood and roses style. It was tough to figure out whether the apex was 5-8-6 or 623: Kryptic Pop Thrills from 2/3/17.

  • Pink Frost Turns to Blue Aired: Friday, January 27, 2017

    On the 15th, let's decide to live it up, do-or-die style. Either we're a canary in a coal mine, missing in action, or we are left-of-center, and all that jazz - this is the Saturday Night Special!
    Kryptic Pop Thrills from 1/27/17.

  • Yellow Pills Make Me Blind Aired: Friday, January 20, 2017

    Even though I know love will tear us apart, I still love her all the time; her angel face is always everywhere that I'm not, which is why I give her a video! Kryptic Pop Thrills from 1/20/17. Pic from the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, 1/14/17.
