Zug Island Sound

Past Episodes

  • Zug Island Wildlife Survey [9.24.17] CPU Records 5 Year Anniversary Mix Aired: Sunday, September 24, 2017

    Alex Stark
    RMB 56

    DMX Krew
    Black Coffee

    Pip Williams
    I Was All Alone

    Mrs Jynx
    Fish Cyborg

    Federico Leocata
    Den Eviga Aterkomsten

    They Rave Us

    Plan t43
    Flight Without Sound

  • Zug Island Wildlife Survey [9.10.15] Aired: Sunday, September 10, 2017

    Liquid G - 1:30 AM - 00:52
    Der Zyklus - Eigenface (Facial Assymetry) - 04:27
    DAF - Y La Gracia - 09:57
    Dez Williams - Failed - 12:18
    Electronome - Bro - 15:39
    Qataraqt - Erb - 21:06
    Dopplereffekt - Die Radiometre - 25:25
    Ian Martin - Untitled - 29:26
    Mekanik Kommando - Stop And Play - 37:44
    Kvaser - S.A. - 41:41
    Helena Hauff - Severe Slash - 44:58
    Alex Norinh - Reign Of Control - 50:24
    EMS Vocoder - Promotional Tape - German - 56:31

  • Zug Island Wildlife Survey [9.3.17] ft. Marcos Cabral, D'Marc Cantu, Electronome, Heiroglyphic Being Aired: Sunday, September 3, 2017

    The Heiroglyphic Being Experience - John Heckle Signal To Noise Re:Vision - 03:23
    RhythmDial - IntrusiveOne - 10:11
    Gunnar Haslam - Cloud Castle Lake - 16:52
    D'Marc Cantu - Fallen - 23:01
    Electronome - On The Scene - 26:30
    The Heiroglyphic Being Experience - Create / Object I - 30:57
    45 ACP - A Change Of Tone

  • Zug Island Wildlife Survey [8.20.17] Aired: Sunday, August 20, 2017

    Atypic - Focus Mel - 02:16
    Nacho M Meyer - Ensoniq Mirage DMS-1 Side A (Edit) - 07:25
    Transilvanian Galaxi - Transilvanian Galaxi - 12:12
    TX Connect - Half A** Astronaut - 17:02
    RemasterMix - Solton Ketron Programmer 24 - Amazing Italo Disco Machine - 20:46
    Trance Yo Lie - Cosa C'E' Sotto? - 24:15
    Tech Trax Inc. - Feel The Love (Sex Mix) - 28:51
    Dose Of Paradise - Latin Dream - 32:27
    45 ACP - Slick Response (on 45) - 35:10
    Seaside Houz Boyz - Surfing On Ice Cream - 38:37
    John Heckle - Laid Away - 43:01

  • Zug Island Wildlife Survey [7.30.17] ft. DJ Narrows, Chris Carter, Patricia, Container, Photonz Aired: Sunday, July 30, 2017

    MZO Bullet - Casablanca - 04:32
    S. English - Land Locked - 06:23
    TX Connect - Sound Mind In A Sound Body - 12:05
    Basic Soul Unit - Earwerm - 16:03
    Patricia - Balance Acid - 20:20
    Container - Paralyzed - 30:07
    Parrish Smith - Esplendor - 30:10
    Photonz - Statue Room - 34:46
    DJ Overdose - Mind Storms - 36:13
    Dar Embarks - Venkman - 39:01
    DJ Narrows - Android - 42:30
    Chris Carter - Climbing - 45:41
    Frankie WIlmott - Paula & Sandra (Legowelt Acid Hall Remix) - 53:18
    Boya - The Idler - 58:41

  • Zug Island Wildlife Survey [7.23.17] Drex-In-Effects Aired: Sunday, July 23, 2017
  • Zug Island Wildlife Survey [7.16.27] Aired: Sunday, July 16, 2017

    Mary Velo - Mind Games - 01:46
    Electric Organic - Stoked Circle - 05:55
    Person of Interest - Fever - 10:46
    Robert Crash - Listen You - 15:37
    Korfu - Vetrion Approaches - 20:20
    Mark Lane - Who's Really Listening? - 25:02
    Mono Junk - Uusi - 28:56
    Cliff Lothar - Electro Technology - 35:54
    John Heckle - Frankenstien's Sweet Nectar - 36:08
    Godzilla vs Metalhead - Destroying My Brain - 41:51
    RhythmDial - Living - 48:39
    Echo 106 - Phosphor Conrolled - 51:20
    Garoad - Dusk (VA-11 HALL-A) - 57:22

  • Zug Island Wildlife Survey [7.9.17] ft. Kyle Hall, JANN, TX Connect, Exaltics, 400 PPM Aired: Sunday, July 9, 2017

    Kyle Hall & Kero - Zug Island - 03:11
    Zug Island Wildlife Survey - WAYO-LP Rochester - 03:24
    Joey Anderson - Press Play - 07:37
    JANN - Beyond The Grave - 13:51
    TX Connect - Jackin' Like There Ain't No Tomorrow Ya'll - 19:21
    Planetary Assault Systems - Message From The Drone Sector - 22:10
    Bad Rey - Vin Rougue Installation - 29:32
    The Exaltics - Auxiliary Ship - 35:16
    Jak Dax - Machine Killer - 37:58
    Air Liquide - Der Laufer - 43:56
    400 PPM - Clado Genesis - 47:27
    S.O.N.S. - Reversed Skies - 51:20

  • Zug Island WIldlife Survey [7.2.17] Aired: Sunday, July 2, 2017

    Charles Manier - Yopo (Calcium Tree) - 01:08
    Ian Martin - A2- Untitled - 15:12
    Beau Wanzer - The Tape Curses - 23:56
    Solar Skeletons - A1- Untitled - 26:30
    ADMX-71 - Neutron Absorber - 31:36
    Broken English Club - Pylon - 37:59
    Luke Eargoggle - Break The Limits - 43:50
    Le Car - Vinyl Seat - 48:25
    Nimoy - Pigeon Is My Prey - 54:54
    Beau Wanzer - Shock Therapy - 57:07

  • Zug Island Wildlife Survey [6.18.17] ft. Skatebard, TX Connect, DJ Joe Lewis, Simoncino, Jamal Moss Aired: Sunday, June 18, 2017

    The Chicago Shags - Pancake Breakfast - 02:37
    Skatebard - React 2 Rhythm (Original Jam Version) - 07:13
    Danny Wolfers - Hinterland - 14:58
    Greg Beato - Sadatai - 15:30
    TX Connect - Xanadu - 20:49
    Jamal Moss - Akashic Energies - 25:55
    Simoncino - Memories Of Summer - 32:47
    Tyree - Video Crash - 38:40
    ESP - It's You - 38:48
    Bobby Konders - The Lost Nu Groove Track Mix 2 - 43:50
    Drewsky - Half-Of-Bat (P-Mix) - 47:17
    DJ Joe Lewis - The Way You Make Me Feel - 51:04
    Soichi Terada - Binary Rondo - 55:41
