Announcing the 2020-21 WAYO Fundraiser! When you think different, you think WAYO, and this years fundraiser is no exception.
Visit donate.wayofm.org!
Many of us are not in a position to support WAYO in quite the same way as we have in years past, and we understand that. That’s why this years goal is going to be drastically pared back from previous years. With this renewed goal, we are looking to pay the rent, keep the lights on, and the turntables spinning!
Why does supporting WAYO matter? Being a volunteer run station we have the flexibility and freedom to bring you viewpoints from your own community. This is radio from real folks for real folks, way out and right here! There is no corporate agenda which allows us to highlight the problems of the moment from the truly affected. We put a mic to candid voices of Rochester with Hilarious, interesting, original programming, entertainment, and news that you, truly, will get nowhere else.
But hey, even with our reduced goal, there are still so many of us that cannot over extend another inch to help financially at this time. And we get it! There are many other ways to support WAYO for the 2020-21 season! Most importantly at the moment, is to SPREAD THE MESSAGE! Please share our need with your friends and family, and let them know that their contributions go directly to keeping the coolest station in Rochester on the air!