John Fahey - Fare Forward Voyagers (from Fare Forward Voyagers Soldier's Choice LP on Takoma)
The Velvet Underground - Heroin (Version 1) (from The Matrix Taps 8LP boxset on Universal Music Enterprise)
Emily Robb - Live at Jerry's (from digital release on Bandcamp)
Masami Kawaguchi – Repetition (from The Mad Guitar Sings LP on Black Petal)
Tomoyuki Aoki and Harutaka Mochizuki - Double That Doesn't Intersect (from s/t LP on Nashazphone)
Robbie Basho - Cantos California (from Snow Beneath the Belly of a White Swan: The Lost Live Recordings 5CD boxset on Tompkins Square)
Liam Grant - Insult To Injury (from Prodigall Sonne LP on VHF)
Alastair Galbraith, Jean Jacques Palix, David Watson - Pure Speculation (from Pure Speculation 1 sided LP on La Station Radar)
Bill Nace - Too Dead For Dreaming Part One (from Too Dead For Dreaming 1 sided LP on 8MM)
Richard Youngs & Alexander Neilson - Howling In The Dew (from Beating Stars LP on HP Cycle)
Sleep - Salt (from Ghostwriting CD on Metonymic)
Erl - Creepin' Mujetderreh (from Creepin' Mujetderreh 7" on Erl)