WAYO Play (Fast House Cash) Show 040

Part 1 of 3 shows exploring the growing "We Buy Houses Fast Cash" sign collection pulled-up and yanked-down by Joey Chaffee of Rochester, NY

"Why do you want to buy houses so fast?" - asks Joe and Ray Ray as they call the numbers...

Sign hunting dynamics and the practice of "flipping" homes; in a city previously disinvested by whites now looking to return from the suburbs, is questioned within how gentrification is defined, for who new "development" is for, and whome it historically displaces.

Racially flip-flopping systemically segregated neighborhoods? A reputable way to make a living? Are you putting up these signs and interested in sharing perspective on next month's show?

Part of WAYO FM Rochester, NY. Sundays 10-11am EST monthly or more. Send any drawings, writings or thoughts from listening to wayoplay@wayofm.org

Joe was driving miles to "Two Bass Hit " by Miles Davis

Sunday, January 27, 2019