Dave Anderson Hour...Rockin' Rochester! ...... Episode #1 - March 7, 2019.

Debut show of the Dave Anderson Hour... Rockin' Rochester!
Featuring all the underground Hits from Rochester, New York!!!

The Tempests - Rockin' Rochester 0:00
The Ferrets - Record Man 02:46
Steve Alaimo - Blue Fire 05:11
The Tempests - Lemon Lime 07:25
Chesterfield Kings - Social End Product 10:17
The Trillium - Queen Alice 11:47
The Heard - Stop It Baby 16:20
The Vistas - Moon Relay 18:49
Fred Costello - Super Soul 20:53
Armand Schaubroeck Steals - King Of The Streets 23:50
The Sting Rays - War Hoop 28:54
Kack Klick - One More Day, One More Night 31:43
Bobby Francis - Summer's Coming 34:59
Pete Morticelli - Unknown 37:30
Brass Buttons - Hell Will Take Care Of Her 40:26
The Darelycks - Bad Trip 43:45
The Rumbles - Steps 45:56
Boyd McCoy - 1000 People 49:06
Crystal Revelation - Life 51:18
Terry Pilittere - You Wouldn't Believe Me 55:45

Thursday, March 7, 2019