Magic Records with CalZone! - 10 2 2024 - Lets Work Together!

ICYMI...last night I did a radio thing...
The Mets are in the playoffs and I can hardly run a radio show! I begin with a 'Work Together Sandwich', a tribute to Kris Kristofferson, and end up answering the musical question, "Who's the most swinginest boy in school?'
Featuring music by Wilbert Harrison!, Canned Heat! Kris Kristofferson(RIP)! John Buck Wilkin! R. Dean Taylor! Loretta Lynn! Robert Maxwell His Harp and Orchestra! The Beach Boys! Nick Lowe and Los Straitjackets! Judye Dailey! The Delegates! The Fireballs (RIP Jimmy Gilmer!)! The Shadows of Knight! Oliver Cool!
Thanks for spending time with yer pal, Cal, and supporting WAYO who allow me to 'play radio'. L'Shana Tova, baby, and LFGM!
Wednesday, October 2, 2024