What does puppeting, tokenism, and checklisting community engagement look and feel like institutionally?
Calvin Eaton, 540WMain founder and director, joins to share direct experience with being approached by a new local arts organization.
This is Part 2 of the discussion. Listen to Part 1 for context on artwashing, redlining, and gentrification; recorded at WXIR for the More•than•isms podcast: https://tinyurl.com/semsqp7
Arts in the Loop, formed by Eastman School of Music in the context of downtown development, can be learned about here: https://iml.esm.rochester.edu/artsintheloop/
More on 540 at https://540westmain.org/
Part of WAYO FM Rochester, NY. Sundays 10-11am EST monthly or more. Send any drawings, writings or thoughts from listening to wayoplay@wayofm.org
Sunday, December 15, 2019