Sound Test

SOUND TEST on 104.3 WAYO-FM brings out the finest from Video Game Music, Chiptunes, and the Demoscene. Tune in live every Friday from 10:00PM-11:00PM EST!
If you're reading this in 2019, I'm still on the radio, I just need to GET A GRIP on archiving!!

Past Episodes

  • Sound Test 2 - Electric Boogaloo Aired: Wednesday, March 2, 2016

    Second Show! We paint a palette that highlights upbeat, cheery tunes, heavier rock-outs with an edge, and even funky, hip-hop jams! All straight from video games to boot! I had a lot of fun doing this show tonight and I hope you enjoy the ride Sound Test has to offer.

  • Sound Test - Out of the Frying Pan (First Live Full Show)! Aired: Wednesday, February 10, 2016

    (Show begins at 5:16)

    We - and by we I mean ME - get our feet wet with the kind of sound you'll expect from this show!

    The end of the hour cut off PaRappa the Rapper which is unfortunate : ( But watching the video where that is from serves it justice! Check it out!

    Thanks for my friends and family as I meander my way through any technical goofs that may have happened during the show.
