The Sound of Tomorrow

Rochester, NY's Sound of Tomorrow is the most fun you can have in orbit. Join Heather, Ross, and all of their radio friends for a journey into the future of comedy, current events, music, movies, comics, and other stuff we love.

Past Episodes

  • The Sound of Tomorrow--Episode 518: Moon Water Aired: Wednesday, August 30, 2023

    We're back live again in the wonderful WAYO studios and, slowly but surely, we are learning our buttons! Today we're talking about witch water and aliens, i.e., the Blue Supermoon and the Skylink Satellite Train (Spoiler: Ross is not a fan). We've got all kind of deliciousness for humans and dogs! And we would love for the US to develop some programs for the unhoused like that have in Helsinki. Because it's still the Sound of Tomorrow and it can't be just avocado toast and dancing around the yard naked

  • The Sound of Tomorrow--Episode 517: Giant Zucchini Aired: Wednesday, August 23, 2023

    It's the triumphant return of the Sound of Tomorrow to the WAYO studio and, wow, we did pretty darned well! Just a few little gaffs, really. On today's ep, we're talking travel (and Elvis), Ross is bragging about his giant zucchini (ahem. But it really is big!). We've got some stuff about micro-socializing and micro-aggressions. And AI is making a poison cookbook to do us all in. 

  • Episode 516: Neck and Neck Aired: Wednesday, August 16, 2023

    I know we promised hot picks on today's new Sound of Tomorrow. And they're coming! But first..... some of our usual ranting! You know you love it. Then we're off to the races (neck and neck? Neck in neck? Its "and" for anyone who cares.) talking about the things WE love. 

  • The Sound of Tomorrow--Episode 515: Toilet Cam Aired: Wednesday, August 9, 2023

    OMG, Space Cadets, do not Google "toilet cam" when you're just doing an innocent search for an image to use for your post. In this exciting episode of the Sound of Tomorrow, yes, we're talking toilet cams! We're also talking weird cartoon propaganda, Florida, Online Sex Parties (and in person, ooooo). And Heather lost her phone number. 

  • The Sound of Tomorrow--Rerun: Apollo DJ Mix Aired: Wednesday, August 2, 2023

    DJ Ross revisits the music of the Apollo Moon landing.

  • The Sound of Tomorrow--Episode 514: Small Town Aired: Wednesday, July 26, 2023

    It's hot and the world is a flaming pile of garbage!! But we saw Barbie and it was great. MAJOR spoilers ahead!! Also talking about Heather's relatives who claim to live in a Small Town and what they think we city folk can or cannot try there.

  • The Sound of Tomorrow--Episode 513: Nigel Aired: Wednesday, July 19, 2023

    Heather here. This is a tough one, folks. We begin with the beautiful tribute my Twenty Minutes Into the Future ( co-host Austin Rich created for Nigel and muddle through as best we can after that. Community events, Science news, Canada travel tips. It's hard for much to matter when I'm missing my baby so much.

  • The Sound of Tomorrow--Rerun: DJ Heather Zajkowski Strikes Again! Aired: Wednesday, July 12, 2023

    We were way too busy with pool parties and weenie roasts to record this week so please enjoy this DJ mix from 2016!

  • The Sound of Tomorrow--Episode 512: Hibachi Orphans Aired: Wednesday, July 5, 2023

    In today's new Sound of Tomorrow, you get to find out how little we know about supplements and how little we care based upon our jam-packed pill organizers! Plus! Heather went to the Circus. And Ross was raise a Hibachi Orphan. What's "chelated" mean?

  • The Sound of Tomorrow--Episode 511: Anne Boleyn Aired: Wednesday, June 28, 2023

    We're talking scammers and an (whooshing noise.... achoo!) unshelved mystery on today's new SoT!
