Running Inside Out

Running Inside Out is just one piece of an extremely vibrant running community in Rochester, NY.

We all have our many reasons for running and let's face it, runners love to tell running stories as much as they like to hear running stories. Our goal is to share the stories and successes of the members of this community.

At times we also might talk about cool races, services, stores and products. I apologize in advance, if ever we accidentally talk about something that isn't running related.

Past Episodes

  • Show 041 - Not Running Around Europe Aired: Monday, April 3, 2017

    Kendra is back from her trip and so we talk about running around Europe. Or Not, actually. We talk about not running around during vacation and being okay with that. Chris also divulges his highly scientific process for determining if he is ready to run 70 miles.

  • Show 040 - Great Expectations Aired: Monday, March 27, 2017

    Jen is in studio for the third consecutive week, bet you didn't expect that! Alas, most likely, your perception probably prevented you from predicting our palaver. Well, we talk about Expectations! What happens when things just don't go as you thought they would? What if things aren't going great right now? What if you butt muscles don't activate? Listen in, to find out the answers to these and many more ponderances!


  • Show 039 - Spring Has Sprung so Pick a Run Aired: Monday, March 20, 2017

    It's the first day of Spring! Kendra is wandering around Europe, so Chris and Jen take to the mics to talk about Spring being sprung and picking races! What kind of races do we like and why do we like them? What kind of race is right for you? Listen in, hear about some of our favorites and maybe yours!

  • Show 038 - The Snowpocalypse is Coming Aired: Monday, March 13, 2017

    Jen has arrived in the studio for her first true co-host gig and she has brought a snowstorm with her! On this episode of the radio show, Chris and Jen talk about whether to weather the weather or wait and bet for something better. 


  • Show 037 - All About Jen... or Something Aired: Monday, March 6, 2017

    Jen joins as a new co-host! And it seems her first trial is to go through The Gauntlet of Inquiry! (but not really.. but it could seem that way, cuz Kendra loves Grillin!) Jen shares a bunch about her kind of running and helps us get to understand what kind of perspective she will be bringing to the show.

  • Show 036 - The last show of the Kate Aired: Monday, February 27, 2017

    "All good things must come to an end." ... or at least that is what some dumb old guy was overheard saying once. Either way, this is Kate's last show. Fittingly, we talk about about how plans change, adjusting and making new plans. Sad to see Kate go, but happy to see her move on. As another long dead white guy probably once said, "It's really good when people get together. And it's not always bad when people are apart" ... Either way, Thanks Kate! It was great having you on the show and can't wait for you to come back and share your adventures!

  • Show 035 - 50 miles for Vets with Amber Rowe Aired: Monday, February 20, 2017

    Kendra and Chris are joined by Amber Rowe! Amber recently ran 50 miles and raised money for the Veterans Outreach Center in Rochester, NY. What's more, she did it at Planet Fitness in front of all her friends, ON A TREADMILL! Hardcore running for a hardcore cause.


  • Show 034 - Attack of the Blahs Aired: Monday, February 13, 2017

    What do you do when you don't feel like doing anything? Well... Chris ran a road race and Kendra went to bed early instead of running the road race. Also, Chris does some coaching!

  • Show 033 - What Are We Running From? Aired: Monday, February 6, 2017

    Chris and Kendra get existential. What the heck are we running from? Nothing. We don't have problems. We're not trying to escape anything. Maybe we just feel like running okay?!

  • Show 032 - The Week In Review Aired: Monday, January 30, 2017

    Chris went running. Kate went ice climbing. We talk about these things. And so much more.
