Rochester, NY's Sound of Tomorrow is the most fun you can have in orbit. Join Heather, Ross, and all of their radio friends for a journey into the future of comedy, current events, music, movies, comics, and other stuff we love.
Rochester, NY's Sound of Tomorrow is the most fun you can have in orbit. Join Heather, Ross, and all of their radio friends for a journey into the future of comedy, current events, music, movies, comics, and other stuff we love.
Hey Space Cadets! Ross had a thing so it's time for your favorite DJHZ to play some of her very very old, very dusty CDs for YOU! Pull up and ear and have a listen, would you?
Oh yeah, it's the Vernal (not Venal, Ross!) Equinox and a Full Worm Moon to boot and we're back with an all new Sound of tomorrow for YOU! We got moon news complete with witchcraft tips for ll your Wiccan needs, we got an Unshelved Mystery (whoosh!), we got some fake old meats, and we got an Ozone Update! How'd we keep so on track this time? Hm. Must be the Worm Moon. Don't forget to check out our new EP with our hit tune "Pedantic Anticlimax" on side A and "Eclipse Water (in my drain)" on the B!
What? A Wednesday without a weather emergency in Rochester, NY? Can it be? Yess...... so we're entirely on point this week (and also en pointe, BTS), right? Nope! Because the time changed! Still, though, The Sound of Tomorrow is coming through with some HOT PICKS, a dog walk warning, and some pseudoscience news for you! That fake meat thing we keep talking about? Probably never going to get to it.
Oh boy.... wow. Yeah. Sorry Space Cadets! After a very funny skit, this week's all new Sound of Tomorrow went quickly off the rails as both Ross and Heather completely forgot how to speak! But they still kept tryin'. SO--on todays exciting and extra-flakey show, we're talking about the fun thing Ross did last week! We're talking Problematic! We're talking.... more Problematic! And Seanan McGuire has a new book out!
TMBG DAS: Climbing the Walls LIVE at XM Studios!
All right, I gotta keep this short--it's shoveling time. Again. In today's exciting episode of The Sound of Tomorrow, Ross offers up what purports to be kitty news but turns into a discussion of the US healthcare system! We're doing a quiz! Heather takes a bold stance against tomb desecration! And there's even an Amelia Earhart Update all before the music break! After checking out "English Electric" by The Cleaners from Venus, we're back with some delicious Oumuamua t and a discussion of anger. Everyone, seriously congratulate Ross on not breaking during the skit. He nailed it!
Today on this all new Sound of Tomorrow, we have special guest Darren DeWispelaere in the studio! Once we get the intervention out of the way, it's time to talk about allll Darren's bands up to and including Ian Downey is Famous! Jan the Actress! Veluxe! Disintegration! IDIF has a big show coming up this Saturday, February 23, 2019 at Skylark Lounge on S. Union where they'll be celebrating the release of their brand new record "Destroy Language!" Come on down and buy yourself a copy!
It's Valentine's Day Eve and our hearts are warm but our fingers are icy.... because Rochester, NY is covered in ice. Sigh. BUT! That doesn't stop us from zipping through topics at a breakneck speed! We got period emojis! We got the last words of the Opportunity Rover and then we cry just a little bit again about it because we've already cried about it today! We got some Hot Picks! We're late on the middle break but it's "Sing You a Love You Song" by of Montreal and then we're back for... well, yeah, you know we can't just be lighthearted...
Well well well, we're on the road to fame and fortune, finally!, on today's all new Sound of Tomorrow! After reveling in the great news about our big break. we're talking about.... a whole load of nonsense, to be honest. We brought topics, really, we did! But Ross talks about going to the doctor for a while and Heather may or may not have had xrays when she was a kid and oh dear.
Hey, wow, it's cold in Rochester, NY and we're doing our level best to move our frozen jaws for you! In this week's show, we kick it off talking about the fun Drag Brunch we went to and then it's time for cheese. Ross fills in the last of the first segment talking about shows he's starred in and we're off to listen to "Coldest Day" by Madness. Because we can't just babble for the entire time, we're back for part 2 with trans youth studies and the new trend affecting women in the workplace. For the love of all that is holy, someone please make it less cold here! Please!
Yep. Before the show, our feet got wet. So we're cold and not thinking quite right! But nevertheless, it's a brand new Sound of Tomorrow! We kick it off talking about Heather's headshot gone awry (with unplanned social commentary!) and then we're on to talkin' 'bout things we've seen. But you know we couldn't ignore it so, before the slightly belated break, we managed not to call those MAGA sh!ts anything we can't say on the air. Yay us!